Saturday, March 28, 2009


Three months ago I would never have dreamed of changing my diet to eating only raw and living foods. Roasted, fried or BBQ meats with creamy baked veggies and gravy were a staple meal. Being a lover of all things chocolate, giving in to cravings came all too easily. I knew my body wasn't coping well with these foods as I always experienced abdominal bloating and back pain.

The back pain would become so intense at times I would spend days in bed, unable to walk. It was draining me of health, energy and life. That's when the mental battle to stay positive really begins. I knew living like this wasn't God's intention for me so I was determined to find a solution. Having previously tried all medical (except for pharmaceutical drugs) possibilities available, I came to understand that I was either going to have to manage the pain myself, or go to God for healing and a plan of action.

On January 9, 2009 I woke up to severe back pain and was unable to get out of bed and walk. I had a feeling I wasn't going anywhere for a few days. Determination emerged and I threw myself into a time of fasting and praying for answers.

Day 8 I visited my local library (Koorong was too far to drive!) hoping for some books on juice fasting (with no success) but instead found a book about the benefits of eating and drinking living foods. I reluctantly began reading as the last thing I wanted was just another diet and nutrition book. About half way through I knew the information in this book just HAD to be an answer. Even though I was hesitant at first I spent the next few weeks researching raw and living foods. I was simply amazed at what I saw! The delicious possibilities excited me as I knew this was something even I could do - and enjoy.

I've enjoyed eating raw and living foods for 5 weeks now. The new taste sensations have been exciting and my body is enjoying the benefits. The pain levels have significantly diminished and one of the many side benefits is that I've lost unwanted kilos whilst enjoying delicious desserts (see image of raw chocolate brownie) and live, colourful meals.

I invite you to journey with me.

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